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Tarot cards representing each zodiac sign✨🌙

Aries ♈ : The emperor

The fiery Aries matches with the powerful Emperor, representing strong leadership skills. Both driven with charisma, power and attention. As a warning, Aries should be careful before acting or taking a decision. Impatience can lead to disappointment.

Strength : Bold, risk taker, passionate

Weakness : aggressive, impulsive, impatient.

Taurus ♉:The hierophant

Taurus is paired with The Hierophant, indicating a passion for learning and a curious mind searching for the truth.

Taurus loves sharing their knowledge. And sometimes being too social, can drained your energy down.

Strength : Humble, down-to-earth, hardworking.

Weakness : Anger issues, Imbalanced, stubborn.

Gemini♊:The lovers

The sign of duality and difficult choices to make, it’s no wonder that Gemini corresponds with the Lovers tarot card.

Struggling with two sides, gemini must be careful before taking any decision and also regarding their juggling emotions. It often leads to dilemma.

Strength : Adaptable, outgoing, Carefree.

Weakness : Fickle minded, indecisive, Inconsistent.

Cancer ♋: The Chariot

Cancers are very spiritually driven. This energetic & free spirit is reflected in the Chariot’s strength. Be careful, as it can also be a warning to set your boundaries. Just like chariot, cancers are prone to absorb their surrounding's energy.

Strength : Intuitive, Protective, Loyal.

Weakness : Moody, Hypersensitive, Over thinker.

Leo ♌ : Strength

Both represented by a lion, this pairing is rather obvious and have pride in oneself. The Strength card is an indicator that challenges must be faced with courage and not over confidence. As prejudices can lead to danger situations.

Strength : Sincere, Generous, Brave.

Weakness : Arrogant, Controlling, Intolerant.

Virgo♍: The Hermit

Sensitive like the hermit, Virgo are great over-thinkers. The need for solitude is reflected. Taking time for yourself can help you find peace and wisdom. Stop pleasing people just like the hermit, and then disappointing yourself in the end.

Strength : Sensible, loyal, balanced.

Weakness : Pessimistic, critical, Short-tempered.

Libra ♎: Justice

A Libra often holds rigid ideas of right and wrong. Justice says that to attain balance, one must sometimes accept that things will never be perfect. They must learn to stand out with their own opinion and accept the reality.

Strength : Peacemaker, Compassionate, spontaneous.

Weakness : Easily influenced, disorganized, superficial.

Scorpio ♏: Death

Don’t be too worried by this one, Scorpios. Death represents transformation , rebirth & moving forward in life, something with which Scorpios are keenly familiar. You face the hurdles and start over again with something new. Don't cling into grudges otherwise you won't be able to move on.

Strength : Emotional, Determined, Cautious.

Weakness : Vindictive, insecure, secretive.

Sagittarius ♐ : Temperance

The morally complicated Sagittarius is of course matched with Temperance. Dealing with your flaws earnestly will make it much easier to overcome them. Accept the flaws and grow . Stop struggling with yourself.

Strength : Easy going, Enthusiastic, Practical.

Weakness : Careless, restlessness, Manipulative.

Capricorn ♑ : The devil

Capricorns are often self-conscious. The Devil represents the dark side they’re trying to hide. So one must learn to balance the good and the bad parts of yourself. It's okay to have darkness in the form of light.

Strength : Dependable, optimistic, dedicated.

Weakness : Laziness, Anxious, over-sentimental .

Aquarius♒: The Star

The spiritual Aquarius matches the bright and optimistic Star. Just like the Star, Aquarius are meant to follow their intuition and stand out from the crowd, following your passion. Just be careful , as sometimes impulsiveness can drag you into unnecessary situations.

Strength : Independent, Outgoing, Imaginative.

Weakness : gloomy, evasive, temperamental.

Pisces ♓ : The moon

Pisces and the Moon are great spiritual match since it is associated with idealism and moodiness. The Moon urges Pisces to follow their dreams and also to hide their emotions . Just like the moon, Pisces has another secretive side. This confuses people and end up wandering.

Strength : Emphatetic, Thoughtful, kind.

Weakness : Naive, mysterious, cunning.

Thank you soul family✨

I'm still learning and trying to gather more spiritual knowledge .

Stay tuned. I'll keep posting blogs every week.

~Take care ~💜 @tarotbyglenda

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